Beyond Swoole
Open Doors with Open Source

29th September 2021, 4:00 pm CEST | 7:30 pm IST onwards.


Tom Witkowski

Software Engineer

Krish Damani

Technical Architect

Let’s Learn Something With Eastern Enterprise

During this meetup, the members got to know more about Swoole – The What, How, Why, When. Swoole enhances the efficiency of your PHP applications and brings you out of the traditional stateless model, enabling you to focus on the development of innovative products at a high scale, bringing event loops and asynchronous programming to the PHP language. It’s time to unleash the powers of open doors to open source … And It’s just the beginning!

Get to Know More!

Enable yourself to focus on the development of innovative products at a high scale, bringing event loops and asynchronous programming to the PHP language! Join our tech meet-up to explore trending technical concepts and engage in new problem-solving methods with Swoole and Open Source!

When: 4:00 pm CEST | 7:30 pm IST onwards.


10 Minutes
About Eastern Enterprise

Krish Damani

About Eastern Enterprise

Get to know Eastern Enterprise, just a tad bit more!

30 - 45 Minutes
What is Swoole & how it works

Nishant Soni

What is Swoole & how it works

Explore The What, Why, How, When of Swoole with us!

30 - 45 Minutes
Open Doors with Open-Source

Tom Witkowski

Open Doors with Open-Source

Make open source your superpower, seamlessly!

15 Minutes
Q&A Session

Bhushan Gaikwad

Q&A Session

Knowledge is having the right answer. Intelligence is asking the right question. So ask right away!

Knowledge Base. Get to Know More!

29th September


4:00 pm CEST | 7:30 pm IST onwards.


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