Play by the rule, but be ferocious.

Tech Catalogue Partnered with Eastern Enterprise to Expand and Enhance their Technology Platform for the Energy Industry is a Dutch Scale-up. Since 2018, is supporting companies in the energy sector with technology deployment. Their platform was developed based on the first-hand experiences of their founders that it is often difficult for decision makers to stay up to date on available technology-driven improvement opportunities for their business.
This platform is a technology matchmaking platform for technology end-users and suppliers aiming to accelerate technology deployment and help the industry to reach net-zero goals.

CHALLENGE approached Eastern Enterprise to enhance and expand its platform features for the Energy Industry to provide a better end user experience.
  1. Suppliers and end-users were interacting offline once the match was made, taking them away from the platform.
  2. Offers/Discounts were to be added manually in the CRM system (ZOHO) for the registered client.
  3. New user registration for company subscription was not fully automated. had to go through the manual process for adding the users and sharing the access.
  4. The end-users were not able to share their problems/challenges and get solutions from suppliers.
  5. The suppliers could not easily add technologies to their subscription without support.


Eastern Enterprise along with managed all the above Key Challenges effectively: –
  1. Notification and interaction center
    Notification and interaction center was introduced to boost the interaction of the users through platform. Notifications are sent to the users for the chat messages and when new technology is published on the platform.
  2. ZOHO Voucher Integration with platform
    The ZOHO Vouchers are integrated with the platform. The vouchers are fetched dynamically from ZOHO and are displayed/available to the user while taking up subscription on the platform.
  3. Introduction of SSO
    The SSO feature is implemented so the users from the client-side can directly login through the platform using their own company credentials. The new user will be registered automatically upon the first successful login.
  4. Introduction to Challenges module
    A new module/feature is introduced where end-users can post real problems /challenges they’re facing. It’s then notified to the suppliers with matching capabilities so that they can look at it & provide solutions towards it. They can even get on a chat where they can discuss the detailed solutions.
  5. Development of a feature to purchase additional technologies & Development of integrated messaging functionality
    With the new experience, suppliers can just add additional technologies to their existing plan and pay for what they are using without the need for upgrading plans or manual support from the team.



Eastern Enterprise proposed the following technology to easily reach the requested functions

Drupal (PHP)









Rubin Alkim
BIM Modeller/Programmer, Verhoeven En Leenders

For about half a year Verhoeven en Leenders has been developing a document management system for our own internal use. Together with a programmer that worked for us we developed a good part of it. Unfortunately he was looking for another position at another company which put us at a difficult spot for continuing the development.
Luckily Leon Leenders came across Eastern Enterprise, a business that aided with the development of IT related tools. We had a very constructive first meeting. We discussed the steps that we already took, what was already developed and made a plan together how Eastern Enterprise could assist us in further developing the DMS. Leon and I were positively surprised and started the collaboration between Eastern Enterprise and Verhoeven en Leenders.
We started off with the research and acknowledgement of the code for the developer of Eastern Enterprise. This was a tough task, but not impossible for the developer. After this process we quickly began developing the features and expanding the possibilities of the DMS. Eventually we also extended the scope of the project to add an extra file sharing feature and an email archive feature. The team that worked on it consisted of multiple people from Eastern Enterprise. From Verhoeven and Leenders the following people worked on the project: Leon Leenders, CEO of Verhoeven en Leenders. Rubin Alkim, Lead coordinator of the DMS. Joey van de Poel, sub coordinator and assistant developer of the DMS.

Our communication relied mostly on daily meetings through Microsoft Teams to discuss the tasks and bugs that could be picked up by the developer. Having these daily calls of about 15 to 30 minutes greatly increased our effciency and also helped Eastern Enterprise understand perfectly what we wanted to add to the DMS. We got together to discuss the user stories, features, tasks and bugs that had to be tackled. These discussion points were then organized on the Azure Devops platform so that the developer always knew what he could work on and what the priority was of certain tasks.

We are very thankful for them assisting us with the development of the DMS. We are currently implementing it inside our own work process and we look forward to working with it in the future. Thank you for the productive and very pleasant collaboration.